
Hangman is a simple word game where the user must guess the hidden word. The catch is that there are a limited number of guesses. This is a functional implementation of Hangman in 100 lines. I'll go through each section of the source and explain what's going on.

         H a n g m a

Board:   h o m e b o d y

Guessed: a g i r s t


You can find the complete runnable source here.


We're going to be working with text, so Data.Char and Data.List will be useful. The System imports will let us control user input and our output to the screen. Data.Maybe will help us with the 'board' part of our Puzzle. These will make more sense as we see them in context.

module Main where

import           Data.Char      (isAlpha, ord, toLower)
import           Data.List      (intersperse, sort)
import           Data.Maybe     (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import           System.IO      (BufferMode (..), hSetBuffering, stdin, stdout)
import           System.Process (callCommand)


We need a structure to contain the state of the world while we play the game. There are three things important to us:

  • secret the secret word

  • board the list of letters that we've guessed correctly, but also a list of blanks for the letters we haven't guessed yet

  • guessed the letters we've guessed, but aren't in the secret word

In Haskell, one way to represent this is:

data Puzzle = Puzzle
            { secret  :: String
            , board   :: [Maybe Char]
            , guessed :: String

The 'Puzzle' type packages up these elements and is what we'll thread through the game to maintain state. Looking ahead, we can imagine that the core part of our game will be something to the effect of:

game :: Puzzle -> UserInput -> Puzzle

We'll ask for the user input, look at the current state of the world, and build a new state of the world from the input.

Defining a way to 'string-ify' our puzzle gives us an easy way to display the state of the game as we run. Pattern matching lets us extract the components of our Puzzle for use in the rest of the function.

  • The title doubles as an indicator of how many incorrect guesses the player can make. Each incorrect guess will uncover more of H A N G M A N.

  • The board is a series of letters or blanks. Nothing is a handy way to represent that the board is empty in that position. fromMaybe '_' <$> w says: for each character, if it's Nothing return '_', otherwise return the letter.

  • The guessed line is straight forward, it's just a sorted list of incorrect letters.

instance Show Puzzle where

    show (Puzzle s b g) =
            [ "\n"
            , "         ", space showTitle, "\n"
            , "\n"
            , "Board:   ", space showBoard, "\n"
            , "\n"
            , "Guessed: ", space showGuessed
            , "\n"

        where showBoard = fromMaybe '_' <$> b
              showTitle = take (length g) "Hangman"
              showGuessed = sort g
              space = intersperse ' '

Working with the data structures

Now that we have our game state, we need ways to build and mutate it. newPuzzle takes a secret word and builds a Puzzle around it. The board begins as a list of Nothing the same length as the secret word. It'll be filled in by user input. The guessed list starts empty.

newPuzzle :: String -> Puzzle
newPuzzle s = Puzzle secret board guessed
        board   = const Nothing <$> s
        secret  = toLower <$> s
        guessed = []

play is the actual implementation of the game we guessed earlier while defining Puzzle. It takes previous game state and user input, and returns a new game state. There are essentially three cases to consider:

  • The input character is already on the board or in guessed, do nothing

  • The input character is in the secret word, update the board

  • The input character is not in the secret word, add it to the guessed letters

play :: Puzzle -> Char -> Puzzle
play p@(Puzzle secret board guessed) c
        | Just c `elem` board = p
        | c `elem` guessed    = p
        | c `elem` secret     = correct
        | otherwise           = incorrect
        correct   = Puzzle secret updatedBoard guessed
        incorrect = Puzzle secret board (c : guessed)
        updatedBoard = updateBoard board c secret

The tricky part is when the player is correct. We need to find the correct position in the board (a list of Maybe Char) and fill it in, without mutating the other characters - blank or not. updateBoard takes the current board, the player input, the secret word, and returns a new board.

We need to step through the board and secret word together. We could use a combination of zip and map here, but explicit recursion and pattern matching feels more straight forward. When we encounter a blank (Nothing), if the current letter in the secret word is the player's input, we add it to the board. Otherwise, keep Nothing in that position.

updateBoard :: [Maybe Char] -> Char -> String -> [Maybe Char]
updateBoard [] _ _ = []
updateBoard (Just m  : xs) c (k : ks) = Just m : updateBoard xs c ks
updateBoard (Nothing : xs) c (k : ks)
        | c == k    = Just c  : updateBoard xs c ks
        | otherwise = Nothing : updateBoard xs c ks

Getting a secret word

We won't have much of a game if we ask the player to give us the secret word. Instead, we'll pull a random word out of the system dictionary (assuming a Debian-like installation). The word won't be completely random, but pseudo random based on a 'seed word' we ask the user.

First, we'll read in the words from disk and filter out invalid words. The system dictionary contains words with apostrophes and very short words (which are very difficult to guess), we don't want to include those.

To get a 'random' word from our list, we'll convert the seed word to a number, mutate it a bit, and use it as an index into the list.

randomWord :: String -> IO String
randomWord seed = do
        words <- filter valid . lines <$> readFile english
        return $ random words
        valid :: String -> Bool
        valid word = all isAlpha word && length word > 5

        random :: [String] -> String
        random xs = xs !! mod (index * index) (length xs)
        index = sum $ ord <$> seed
        english = "/usr/share/dict/american-english"

Playing the game, or IO

Time to pull it all together and run the main game loop. main sets up buffering for stdin and stdout (allows us to skip the enter key while entering letters), builds the random word and starts the game.

game is the main loop, and handles the game logic:

  • did we win?

  • did we lose?

  • play a turn and continue the game

To keep things pretty and easy to read, we call clear before printing the game state each turn. This could be done with System.Console.Terminfo, but that's quite a can of worms and unnecessary here.

By placing the winner check before the loser check, we allow the player to win the game after using all of their guesses.

game :: Puzzle -> IO ()
game puzzle = do
        print puzzle

        if winner puzzle
            then putStrLn "Congrats!"
            else if loser puzzle
                    then putStrLn lostMsg
                    else play puzzle <$> getChar >>= game
        clearScreen = callCommand "clear"
        winner (Puzzle s b _) = s == catMaybes b
        loser  (Puzzle _ _ g) = length g == length "hangman"
        lostMsg = "You lose! The word was " ++ secret puzzle

main :: IO ()
main = do
        mapM_ (`hSetBuffering` NoBuffering) [stdout, stdin]

        putStr "Enter a seed word: "
        hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
        getLine >>= randomWord >>= game . newPuzzle


We built hangman by defining the game state, a couple functions for mutating it, and the wrappers to talk with the outside world. Haskell let us focus on the logic of our game instead of low level details, since the type system and pattern matching do the heavy lifting for us.