
I've used Apache HTTP indexing for easy sharing of local files internally at work; sometimes you just want a link rather than full SMB or NFS access. With a little work in an .htaccess file, these shares can look pretty nice too. I wanted to create something similar for sharing my personal projects with the world, without relying on a third-party service like GitHub or Google Drive. Further, I wanted the backing storage to be S3 rather than local. VPS storage is pricey in comparison.


I've been using Digital Ocean Spaces for S3 since the beta back in 2017 and been generally pleased with the performance and ease of use. Having my resources off-server has been very convenient too; rather than rsync'ing to a server, I can use all manner of S3 tools to move my data around from anywhere.

However, S3 makes indexing much more complicated than Apache and local files. The solution for me is a Haskell program, indexer, to pre-generate index pages for my data and upload that along side the content in S3. A few hard won Ngninx proxy_pass and rewrite rules stitch everything together.

You can see the end result at Everything you see is static content hosted on S3, including the index pages themselves. The index pages and thumbnails are generated by indexer, the main topic of this post!


Given a local file system directory, mirror the content to S3 and provide index.html files that provide a web friendly view to that data. Clicking on files will redirect you to the file content hosted on S3. Clicking on directories will open the index.html file for that directory. Lastly, produce a Nginx configuration that will make this behave like a normal website.


To generate the index pages, we need to recursively walk the directory to be shared, collecting name and stat information for each file. At the end, we should be able to write out HTML pages that describe and link to everything in the source directory as it will appear in S3.

Here are some more formal requirements:


  • Contain a listing of each file and child directory in a directory. This listing will be sorted alphabetically. Folders are always first.
  • Contain a link to the parent directory, if one exists. This must be the first element in the listing.
  • Contain a generic header and footer.
  • HTML output directories and files must be structured to mirror the source directory, but may not be written into the source.
  • Subsequent runs must only write to HTML files for source directories that have changed.


  • Collect all information in a single file system pass.
  • Sub directories should be scanned in parallel for faster execution.
  • Files and directories must be ignorable.


  • Listing elements will have icons based on file type, based on file extension, file name, or stat (2) information. Executable files will also a specific icon.
  • Icons for pictures will be custom thumbnails for those pictures.
  • Icons for videos will be custom GIF thumbnails for those videos.
  • Any custom thumbnails should only be generated once, and be as small as possible.


  • Listing elements will have a human readable size
  • Listing elements will have a human readable age description instead of a timestamp.

Yikes that's a lot of stuff! Let's walk through each piece's implementation in Haskell and work out some details.

Walking the File System

Walking the file system isn't too hard, but I do need to define what information to collect along the way and how the tree itself will be represented. The following is what I went with - the tree is described in terms of a tree of DirectoryElements, with the only possible oddity being that everyone knows their parent too. Further, though icons are required for all elements, during scanning I allow Nothing to be returned to indicate that post processing is required for thumbnails. This separates scanning issues from thumbnails generation issues, and allows thumbnails to be generated in batches rather than piece-meal as they're discovered. Generally, I want to collect everything I'll need from the file system in one go so we don't have to sprinkle IO elsewhere in our program other than writing out the final result.

Source Code

data FileElement = FileElement
        { _fname :: String
        , _fpath :: FilePath      -- ^ full path to the file
        , _fsize :: Integer       -- ^ size in bytes
        , _ftime :: Integer       -- ^ how many seconds old is this file?
        , _ficon :: Maybe String  -- ^ URI for appropriate icon
        , _fexec :: Bool          -- ^ is this file executable?
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data DirElement = DirElement
        { _dname    :: String
        , _dpath    :: FilePath
        , _children :: [DirectoryElement]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data DirectoryElement =
          File      FileElement
        | Directory DirElement
        | ParentDir DirElement
    deriving (Show, Eq)

Defining Ord on DirectoryElement lets us satisfy the ordering requirements easily too. With the following in place, I can use plain old sort to provide the exact ordering we're looking for on any grouping of files and directories.

instance Ord DirectoryElement where
    -- compare files and directories by name
    compare (File a)      (File b)      = compare (_fname a) (_fname b)
    compare (Directory a) (Directory b) = compare (_dname a) (_dname b)

    -- directories are always before files
    compare (File _)      (Directory _) = GT
    compare (Directory _) (File _)      = LT

    -- parent directories are before everything
    compare _          (ParentDir _)    = GT
    compare (ParentDir _) _             = LT

File and directory ignoring comes in during the tree walk phase, so no unnecessary work is done walking or stating these elements. filter after listDirectory is sufficient. As for parallelism, Control.Concurrent.Async.mapConcurrently is the work horse, conveniently matching the type for mapM. Swapping between these was nice for debugging during development. One note: don't attempt to use System.Process.callProcess under mapConcurrently! You'll block the Haskell IO fibers and jam up everything, potentially causing a deadlock. Another reason to process thumbnail creation outside of scanning.

Age, Size, and other Extras

With basic file information available, meeting the age and size requirements is mostly a matter of presentation.

For age, some Ord and Show instances do the heavy lifting. For getting that information from arbitrary DirectoryElements, a new class Age works great. Tree recursion is our friend here, since the age of a directory is the minimum age of its children. Age would be easiest represented as just an Integer, but the top level parent directory does not have an age. Further, any particular parent directory's age is unknown by its children due to the single pass scan we're making. This could be filled in through post-processing, but it's not interesting information to present anyway, so I don't bother.

Source Code

data Age = Age Integer | NoAge
    deriving (Eq)

instance Ord Age where
instance Show Age where

class Ageable a where
    age :: a -> Age

instance Ageable FileElement where
instance Ageable DirElement where
instance Ageable DirectoryElement where
instance (Ageable a) => Ageable [a] where

Likewise, size follows a similar pattern defining Num and Show instances, and a Sizeable class to provide a polymorphic size function. The size of a directory is the sum of it's children's sizes. Computing these sums (and the minimum age for Age) does incur multiple walks of the tree, but this is the in memory representation, not the file system, so it's a bit of extra work I'm willing to pay for implementation simplicity. Yet again, parent directories get in the way of a simple representation and require a NoSize sum type so we can correctly distinguish between zero size and no size.

Source code

data Size = Size Integer | NoSize

instance Num Size where
instance Show Size where

class Sizeable a where
    size :: a -> Size

instance Sizeable FileElement where
instance Sizeable DirElement where
instance (Sizeable a) => Sizeable [a] where
instance Sizeable DirectoryElement where

Icons and Thumbnails

There are a couple ways for a file to be assigned an icon. The easiest is by file extension like .c, .py, and the like. Secondly, by name such as LICENSE, or some other well known file types that don't have extensions. Third, the directory scanning phase notes whether a file is executable, so we can assign those based on that information. The last possibility, other than assigning a default icon, is to mark the file as needing a custom icon. This is the case for images and videos which get thumbnails and gifs respectively. Post processing will collect the FileElements that need icons generated and delegate to a Python program later back in main. The output file name is predetermined by a hash of the input file path. Using Data.Hashable (hash) :: a -> Int lets us keep IO out of this inline icon processing entirely. But wait! Isn't that a .py you spy? Unfortunately yes; image manipulation in pure Haskell was going to pull in literally dozens more external libraries through dependencies and Python pillow is just too easy.

Source Code

getIcon :: FilePath -> Bool -> Maybe String
-- ^ nothing indicates that the icon needs to be generated
getIcon fullpath exec
        | isImage fullpath = Nothing
        | otherwise        = Just $ base <> tryExtension
        tryExtension =
            case H.lookup extension extMap of
                (Just icon) -> icon
                Nothing     -> tryName
        tryName =
            case H.lookup name nameMap of
                (Just icon) -> icon
                Nothing     -> tryExec
        tryExec =
            if exec
                then "exe.png"
                else defaultIcon

        name      = map toLower $ takeFileName  fullpath
        extension = map toLower $ takeExtension fullpath
        defaultIcon = "default.png"
        base = "/theme/icons/"

HTML generation

With all the other information provided by previous layers, creating the HTML pages is a mostly trivial formatting problem. The tree structure of DirElement allows easy recursion through directories to build the pages. Each specific type (File, Directory, ParentDir) implements html accordingly to return a string. buildPages is aware of its location in the file system tree by path, and can use that to return WritableHtmlPages that main can handle the IO for. Separating generation from writing is another IO separation win that made development in the REPL and testing easier.

type WritableHtmlPage = (FilePath, HtmlPage)
type HtmlPage = String

buildPages :: FilePath -> DirElement -> [WritableHtmlPage]
-- ^ build the html for this directory, and all of it's children. this is recursive
buildPages base element =
        parent : children
        parent   = (base, htmlPage $ _children element)
        children = concatMap recurse (_children element)

        recurse :: DirectoryElement -> [WritableHtmlPage]
        recurse (Directory c) = buildPages (_dpath c) c
        recurse _             = []

htmlPage :: [DirectoryElement] -> HtmlPage
-- ^ creates a single HTML page to index the elements provided, no children
htmlPage es =
        htmlHeader website <> concatMap html es <> htmlFooter
        website = ""

html :: DirectoryElement -> String

With our HTML index pages all prepared, we're ready to upload them to S3! Great, but how do we use them there?


Digital Ocean Spaces provides HTTPS access to public objects, but that doesn't get us all the way to a final solution. At the absolute minimum, we need to redirect requests for / to our starting index.html. To further complicate things, it doesn't live under /index.html since we separated the index files from the content. So we need a rewrite rule for this, and it turns out a few other things as well.

We start with a generic Nginx proxy configuration, and specify a local cache. I've enabled the CDN in DO Spaces, but I'd still rather cut the request latency where possible by having Nginx respond directly when possible. This reduces the request path from Spaces <-> Spaces CDN <-> Nginx <-> Cloudflare <-> Client to Nginx <-> Cloudflare <-> Client. By passing the Spaces CDN's cache status back to Cloudflare, this can be reduced to Cloudflare <-> Client in the happy path, even better.

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    proxy_cache            internal-cache;
    proxy_cache_valid      any 5m;
    proxy_cache_use_stale  error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
    proxy_cache_revalidate on;
    proxy_cache_background_update on;
    proxy_cache_lock       on;

    proxy_ignore_headers   Set-Cookie;
    add_header             X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
    proxy_hide_header      Strict-Transport-Security;

Time for the / rewrite rule. When a client requests or, we'll send them directly over to our root index.html.

    location = / {

Our backing storage, S3 doesn't have directories at all, so there isn't anything to point to. And regardless, what we really want is to point to the index.html for that directory so the user can see what's in it. So for instance needs to rewritten to .../.indexes/media/index.html. The trailing / in the rule matches directories of this format. Note also that Digital Ocean Spaces are not tolerant of double slashes; ie .../.indexes/media//index.html would return 403 "Forbidden", really meaning "object not found" so the exact replacement is important.

    location ~ ^/(.*)/$ {

Time for files! The internet is a wild place when it comes to links. Sending a URL to a friend doesn't mean that it's going to be sent to their browser in the exact same format. For instance, iMessage will helpfully convert to which will break our rule above. media is a directory, not a file, but without the trailing slash it'll be tried as a file. To handle this, we can use recursive error pages to reattempt the URL provided with a modification. If a "file" isn't found (S3 returns 403), add a slash and try it again as a directory. The result isn't actually an error page at all if we're successful, but the page the user wanted all along. If the request really is /bogus, the user will get a 403 from the rewritten /bogus/, which is perfectly fine.

    location ~ ^/(.*)$ {
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        recursive_error_pages on;
        error_page 403 = @finder;


    location @finder {
        rewrite ^/(.*)$ /share/.indexes/$1/index.html break;


It's been quite a journey, but we now have a static, indexed representation of our local file system directory shared with the world and backed solely by S3! Haskell let us describe the problem in terms of interacting types, and be explicit in limiting IO side effects to specific locations. Our Nginx server shunts all responsibility to S3 or a local cache, making performance a breeze on top of the general advantages of static content. With cron or devbot orchestrating, we can run this periodically and share files with others by dropping them in a local folder; pretty sweet.

Thanks for reading!